Saturday, December 13, 2008
tagged by nic =)
n can any1 teach mii how 2 add more links!?!?
*The last person to tag you is ?
niiicoollee xD
*What relationship of you with him/her?
my besties.. xDDD
*Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
Cute xP
NAUGHTY!! hohoho xDD
Nice =P
*The most memorable thing that she/he had done for you.
err...belanja mii?? LOLs..
*If he/she becomes your lover, you will..
o.o she's a she
*If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
it aint gonna happen =) so dun worry
*How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
naughty?? xDDD
*The character for you for yourself is?
cheeky?? =P
*The most ideal person you want to be is?
a person?? o.o
*For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
luv u guys..n thx =)
*Ten people to tag.
1. Abby
2. Sharon
3. Shin Yi
4. Pearle
5. Jessie Ong
6. Kristin
7. Rahman =P
8. Natalie
9. Pam
10. Christine xD
*Who is no.2 having relationship with?
nobody..iguess.. o.o xD
*Is no.3 a female or a male?
a she.. =)
*if no.7 and no.10 be together would it be a good thing?
*How about no.5 and 8?
as in bez frens..thn yes.. xD
*What is number 1 studying ?
chinese? english? bm?
*When was the last time you have chat with them?
*Is number 4 a single?
yes?? no?? xDD
*Talk something about no.2.
she loves HELLO KITTY~!! xP
Thursday, December 4, 2008
my couz r still HERE!! =P
juz came bak from sdk..had LOADS of FUN!!
kaka.. xDDD..
yesterday we went 2 sepilok n da crocodile farm.. =P
sepilok was..boring at 1st..
thn we decided 2 go 2 d trail.. kaka
sooooooo MUDDY n ther was LEECH!!!!
myy goodness.. xDDD it was kinda FUN~
thn we went 2 d croc farm.. kaka xDDD
their croc show was kida boring.. ==
thn at nite we had BBQ~!!!!
YUM!!!.. xDDDD it was FUN``..
im kinda lazy 2 type for now.. xDDD
God bless =)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Holidayss.. ^^
sooo tired nia..but fun..
sunday till today non-stop go out..kaka..
went bak 2 anglo chinese on monday n 2day..keke
thn yesterday nite was nic's bday party at hyatt..
came bak at home at 11pm.. xDDDD
2molo goin teacher jade's hse 2 do d carol thingy..
thn 2moro gona go 2 centre wif a few frens.. xP
wakaka monday gona go waterworld wif classmates =)
nic's party was fun~ xDDDDD..
hehe..n 2day i get 2 c ee syinn, aretha n xin si..
long time no c them liaos nia.. xD..
ee syin is sexier n pwettier man.. XD
aretha soooo sexy liaos..hahaha..n xin si pwetty liaos..
pray tat d sch wont resuffle our classes..
God bless =)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Upperstar class trip, tadika graduation
7th Nov 2008
soo yesterday was d LAST day of sch in 2008..
i duno y i dun even feel anytin abt it..
n next year all d J2As wont b in J3A liaos..
cox d sch decided 2 reshuffle d class..sobz
so we went 2 upperstar for lunch..n 2 hang out..
it was quite fun..n noisy.. xDDD
even d waiter was abit impatient wif us..haha
after havin our lunch at upperstar..we went 2 coffee bean..
wakaka..xDD.. n hang out.. =P
we're plannin 2 hav another trip 2 WATERWORLD!! keke
8th Nov 08
2day was my church tadika's ex tadika =P
went 2 helped out wif abby n a few chinese youth..haha
was woken up at 6.45am .. T.T hahaha
thn went 2 d tadika (my church de)..
my job was 2 jaga d children..bcome a teacher's personal helper.. =P
got 2 kids in d class i jaga eexxxxxxxxxxxxxtreeeeeeemmmmmmeeely CUTE!!
keke.. xDDD got 1 kid..d brother cuter nia.. kaka..d brother oni pri sch de larr =P
thn ltr help 2 clear up lurrs..
tat's it larr..i guess.. o.o
pray tat ther will b a miracle..tht our sch teachers will decide not 2 seperate us.. T.T
i reli reli reli dun wan 2 b seperated.. sobz
God bless =)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Time flies..!
tis week will be d last week of school liaos..hahaha..
christmas will be comin's nov month dec lerr..
duno y..tis time like dun hav any christmas feelings..
ther's someting missin...n i duno wad issit.. @.@
last year christmas was d best.. =) hahaha
well..ther's carolling tis year..hehe
hav 2 friday nite..9.30-10.30pm..
and tis sunday hav 2 practise 1-3pm.. xD
lolx..d oni ting im lookin forward in dec is my couz from kedah r comin..
hahaha.. n gskids carolling.. =)
i tink im goin 2 sleep now.. hehe..
Nites n God bless =)
*btw..ramen is harmful T.T*
Friday, October 17, 2008
kinda nid study liaos..soo far..
anyways..tis morning went 2 d hosp..wif my mum n aunty jade..
we went to visit Valarie..d cute little gurl from GSkids.. hope she gets betta.. ^^
thn we went to d sutera office..bside wisma merdeka ther..
went to book d place 2 stay in Kinabalu Park..
my couz r COMING here from kedah!!!! alltogether 11 of them!! plus my er gu n ah gong.. =)
woots!!! thn 16 of us are gona go kinabalu park thn go 2 sdk~!! hehe..
but 1st..we muz go eat d TAMPARULI MIAN!!! =P
whooooohooooooo..cant wait.. xDDDD
tis year like past so faz de..2months ++ thn it will be year 2009 liaos..
it was like yesterday was christmas.. hehehe..
anyways.. i <3.. ramen..!!! xD..
oh..k..tat was random-ish.. hahaha
God bless =)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
exams!! ><
thn can go gai gai liaos~ n no more PRESSURE!!!!!!!! muahaha..
2day maths..not enuf time 2 do finish T.T.. oh well.. sobz
sej sej sej sej sej!!! @@.. tis time sejarah very very CONFUSING!!!
alot of ppl 2 memorize~ TT.. like those tokoh thingy..mat salleh..tok janggut..bla bla
anyways..juz hope no subject will fail =) xDD
gotta study~ buh-byes
God bless =)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
MESILAU trip.. (kundasang) xD
sooo SYOK nia!!! wakakaka.. xD
left her house at noon..reach at abt 4pm.. wakaka
on d way ther..went 2 eat tamparuli noodle.. WOW!! sooo yummy.. x333
thn after settling in d lodge.. thn we curi go golf course.. xD
sooo syok nia..d golf course.. roll down d hill..wakakaka~
ss-ing at d golf course is soo awesome.. hahahaha
hee..ltr at nite we ate NASI LEMAK for dinner..soo sedap.. hahaha
after washing dishes time..
we played tumbler after washing.. thn we roast MARSHMALLOW on a HEATER!!
hee..ltr go walk walk 2 burn down d calories.. xDDDD
thn ltr went 2 n abby chatted until 2am.. ^^
ate rice n curry for breakfast xDDD
after checkin out..we went hiking up a trail.. xDDD
it abby's grandma kept pluckin d pakis.. so ltr she can cook it 4 dinner.. hahaha
half-way..stop by at a stream..n we drank d mountain water.. xDDD
it was very REFRESHING n COOL!!! n tasted sweet.. hee
after tat it was time 2 go home =(
hee...slept through d journey.. xDD
ltr we went 2 menggatal 2 eat...
thn abby's dad sent me home..
here r some photos of d t
my 1st tamparuli noodle..
abby n nick.. xDD
me n abby! hee
mesilau map.. xD
CURRY!! n nasi lemak
rollin down d hill .. xD
me n d amazing mountain water.. xDD
God bless.. =)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
juz thinking..
if ther is a cure..many ppl wont die..!!
i guess...i hav no idea wad am i THINKING now adays..
my mum say im over sensitive.. am i..?
i hav no idea wad am i doin in my life now!!!!!!
argh!!! soooooo confusing!!!!!
Mrs Chan.. xDDD
it was AMAZING!!!!!!!! ABBY was AMAZING oso...
mrs chan singing sooooo BEAUTIFUL nia!!!
hahaha..enjoyed last nite.. ^^
k larr.. hee ^^
nid 2 study lorrs.. xD
God bless =)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Salad nite!!
well..yesterday pam came 2 youth.. xDD
d salad competition was fun..wakakaka...
our group salad tasted wierd at 1st..i tink is coz of da salad sauce.. hee..
our salad got tuna, ham, macaroni, green apple, lettuce.. hee xDD
but turn out quite nice..hahaha
abby's knee got injured during one of d games..yaiks..
anyway..d winner was abby's group..haha..their salad was quite nice n deco was awesome
enjoyed last nite.. hahaha xDDD..sori photo of da salad..will get from khin xD
ok larr.. God bless =) byess
Friday, September 12, 2008
Happy Bday Uncle Sam.. =P
ltr gona make salad in uth..whoohoo!!
wakakka...our group's theme is..TROPICAL!
n i nid 2 bring PINEAPPLES!!! xDDDD
hehehehe.. xD
k larr..b4 i log out..
u c ur niece sooo gud.. blerr xD
God bless =)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
chattin wif leonie's nice 2 chat wif old school frens... xD
sis havin UPSR now..hope she get gud result... xDDD
confirm goin 2 sdk during least tis time got fren thr..!!
muahahaha!!! yesterday Adele gave me some KFC ooh.. hee..soooo TOUCH!! xD
went 2 ming's party last sat nite..quite fun..we went swimmin at nite..
hahaha..d place was quite nice.. xD..thn it started 2 rain..but we still continue plyin in d water.. =x
recently been likin 2 go on MSN..>.< duno y.. tis few days on9 until late at nite.. hahaha
maths homework still got PLENTY 2 catch up!! yaiks!! hahaha..
goin 2 do it now!! hee.. byess..
God bless.. =)
Monday, September 1, 2008
wad a nite/day.. xD
thn ltr went 2 sabrina's place 2 sleepover..hee =D
quite fun..went 2 eat bubur during MIDNIGHT!! n went *sumwher*..haha
me gudness..1st time jorr!! so SYOK!! wakaka
then ltr we slept at 3-4am like tat...woots!!
thn woke up at 8.15am..coz nid go breakfast..
hahaha..breakfast was laksa..quite nice..but veli veli FULL nia..
ate wif.. tai yee po, tai yee cong gong, khin's parents, aunty catherine, uncle micheal, khin n sab..
xDDDD... thn ltr go bak hme..khin didnt folo us bak =(
thn me n sabrina sleep until 11.30.. thn i sneak out of her room..hee =D
coz she sleepin bah..dun wan 2 wake her up.. ehehehe..
thn my mum came 2 fetch me..i said tq 2 aunty n left wifout sayin gudbye 2 sabrina.. =(
juz ate finish my lunch lerr..ltr goin 2 camii's bday..
kinda abit lazy..hehe..n ltr my mum n jia po n tai yee goin 2 1BORNEO..wifout ME!! TT
k larr..i log off nw lerr..haha..
God bless.. =)
Friday, August 29, 2008
juz bored
boring larr..msn like nobody on9 de..
finally i completed my geo project!!! xD muahahahaha
heavy burden lifted off!! left KHB n ENGLISH!! =(
hahahahaha.. =D
my grandparents comin tis Sunday~ for dinner thn my grandpa gt meetin..*i tink* ^^
boring ooh..feel like goin out yum cha..2 bad i cant DRIVE.. =(
haha..k larr.. write till here.. xDD
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
ehehehe ><
my biggest apology 2 ABBY!! =) she's been buggin me abt my blog~
was quite busy n everyting..
n during d hols i went 2 youth camp ^^... was quite fun..wif abby, janice, berenice n mandy.. =)
photography session was AWESOME!! Lois Pang
n then for 3days..sabrina n khin came 2 visit us..n they bought 3 pringles!!! x33
hahahaha..we ate it all in 2days~ geng lerr..muahahaha..
n d last nite~ sabrina n khin came n visit us again~~ ^^ ..
sabrina's hair cut short lerr~ miss d curls TT.. but her hair fon leh!! ^^
n we slept 2am i tink =)
will put some youth camp pix~ downloadin it now.. ^^
nw adays quite busy jorr..alot of project n project n more projectss...
ther's d KHB de, d ENG de, n d GEO goodness!!
overloadded~~ hee =D
ok~ d pix juz download finish =)..
n abby``
ther r many more..lazy 2 upload ><
Saturday, June 21, 2008
youth games... ^^
b4 tat..khin miss called me....34 times!!!!! world record.. hahaha
anyway..our group ldr was name "kung fu nana" hahaha
our group oni left d broom stick game... sooo hard owh.. andy was watchin us like a HAWK!!
so once our fingers left d broom.. andy sure nampak =.=
half-way electricity...hahaha
2molo is report card our class was like rushin 2 draw finish d backboard...
hahaha... 2nite rocky's bday party lurr..
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Comp prob!!!
everyting gt prob... zzz...
i guess it's time 2 make a trip 2 da comp shop.. AGAIN!!!
maple is gettin better..not so lag liao..
now MSN gt prob.. =.= ... =(
i wana change comp.... oh well..
our class de teacher almost all bye bye liao...
all substitute teacher now... sooo our class more n more noisy lerrr...
gona go off9 liao lurr...byess =)
Monday, June 16, 2008
well..yesterday was hsiao yun's last day.. =(
kinda miss her lerr... when i go kedah i can look 4 her!! xD
wakaka... hope she will enjoy herself ther.. ^^
father's day..sowie daddi(d fake 1) present 4 u =(
like me n abby year DOUBLE.. or mayb KFC?? O.o
after father's day lunch..went 2 sabrina's hse do d poster thingy..
her room was sooo COOLING ...
hahaha... n neat!!
anyway..we did d poster at d begining..then ltr my mum come 2 tell her how d poster should look like... then ltr she left n i stayed bak until 4pm..
we were suppose to continue de..but in d end we end up er.. *playin*
wakaka..sowie mum.. =(
bah!! 1st post.. 16.6.08~our class unlucky day
coz at 1st on da way 2 assembly...kenn n jerome stepped on duno wat animal poo.. xD
assembly tat time..jerome sit behind me... soooo smelly nia.. wakaka
poor hui tzie..she's sittin bside him.. xD
then ltr lunch time..duno y our skol..
gt teacher checkin every class..
then ltr ngm ngam d teacher cum our class check..
rocky n a few other class de ppl..then they switchin on d radio..
so then d teacher go write down rocky's name n another guy's name..
then d teacher also go take d radio tiam.... kesian...
after tat every time d teacher check sure our class kena scolded =(
so 16.06.08 is our class unlucky day lerr... hahaha
lazy ply maple adays duno y veli veli veli LAG..
then tat BILSON go say everytime i log in everybody lag.. =.=
gratz renee!! ^^ gettin marry 2day!! sowie cant come to ur weddin =(
*4got 2 bring bak chinese text book for tuition* =(